




    Younger generations are usually more interested in movies and television shows made abroad. To most of them, studying or working in a forein country are part of the plan or at least a possibility,

    so they may take watching these movies and shows as an opportunity to have a taste of foreign languages and cultures. Plus, since knowing more about foreign countries helps them commend attention during normal conversations, imported perspectives indeed interest them more than domestic ones. As for movies and TV programs produced by their fellow countrymen, unless they have been proved to be extremely well made and popular internationally, few young people would be interested in watching one. It is just like that people hardly visit those famous tourist attractions in their hometowns unless they need to take someone around. It seems that people, especially young one, do not take things that are easily available seriously.

    Aged people, tend to prefer just the opposite of what young people like. Most elderly people would avoid watching movies or television programs made by foreigners not only because they have no intention to work or study abroad, but also because they are not proficient enough in a foreign langua, and even if they are, they might still not be able to comprehend the plots due to their relatively poor understanding about foreign cultures. No one wants to waste time on things beyond their comprehension That is why most aged people would rather watch local news that they think has a lot more to do with their daily lives. Information that they care about the most, like the food price changes in the local market or the schedule of a central park renovation, could only be accessible in domestic programs, not in a foreign movie.

    It's clear that young people and aged people have different views towards life, and thus their preference on movies and TV shows will never stay the same.


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